Radiant Cut
ra·di·ant cut | ˈrā-dē-ənt kət
A rectangular gemstone which combines the shape of an emerald cut and the sparkle of a brilliant cut
A radiant cut diamond is one that contains 70 facet cuts to increase the brilliance of the stone as much as possible. The shape is similar to that of an emerald cut, but the process utilized approximates the brilliant cut to get a comparable level of sparkle to that cut. The radiant cut diamond was developed in the 1980s, with Henry Grossbard perfecting the process. Today, the cut remains popular, but is not nearly as popular as a standalone brilliant cut or a princess cut, both of which make up the vast majority of the diamonds used in engagement rings and other jewelry. It’s important to select a radiant cut diamond carefully to ensure it perfectly captures the elements of both the emerald and brilliant styles.