gold | ˈgōld
A yellow, metallic element that occurs naturally in pure form and is used especially in jewelry
Gold is one of the most popular metals used in jewelry, occurring naturally in a pure form and popular as both decoration and a standard for monetary systems pre-dating known history. Gold in its purest form is relatively soft. It is therefore often alloyed with other metals to ensure it is hard enough for whatever function it serves. Gold alloys can be yellow - similar to the natural color of the metal - white, rose, and even green. Yellow gold alloys consist of pure gold, silver, copper, and zinc. White gold is alloyed of nickel, zinc, and copper. Rose gold is alloyed of copper and silver. Green gold, sometimes also called electrum, is alloyed with silver and copper. The proportions of metals applied will determine the final color and consistency of the gold. Other alloys consisting of platinum and palladium are also used in jewelry.