crest | ˈkrest
An identifying emblem, often worn during the Medieval and Renaissance eras
In spite of the fact that crests used to have a practical purpose, they are now primarily used to exhibit pride or interest. Today, it’s common to see crests engraved on rings and pendants. Crests express the individuality of the wearer, and are major fashion statements. Furthermore, crests are known to be popular family heirlooms. As a matter of fact, crests were once a vital jewelry piece for cultures, stamping their time of birth in history. In the beginning, rings were embellished with a crest tailored to the family, and oftentimes, the crest would be used to sign or stamp a document. Although crests, and the rings they were on, were pleasing to the eye, they were crafted with an empirical purpose in mind. Needless to say, each crest is unique, as the crest itself includes a personalized family emblem, such as a monogram or icon; or, is made personally for the ring holder. These rings are typically reverse engineered to ensure the design can be stamped on a document. Undoubtedly, this level of detail is extremely difficult to copy, therefore, if you or your family so chooses to invest in these, it will likely be one-of-a-kind.