Asscher Cut
assch·er cut | ˈa-shər kət
An octagonal diamond cut
The asscher cut was first introduced in 1902 and has 58 facets. This cut embodies all of the elegance and grace of that era - that is, the Great Gatsby era. The asscher offers a step cut rather than a brilliant cut; however, it offers uniquely angled corners, making it appear as an octagon. The Asscher cut is considered groovy; to provide a visual, it’s similar to looking into a kaleidoscope. Asschers offer a similar depth that emeralds do; therefore, choosing the lowest depth possible for your asscher will make for a larger looking stone. Typically, consumers are drawn in by asscher’s beautiful tapered edges and mesmerizing vibes of the center stones. Lastly, roughly 2% of all diamonds are cut into Asschers. Therefore, the asscher is regarded as rarer than rare, quite difficult to track down.