American Gem Trade Association
amer·i·can gem trade as·so·ci·a·tion | ˈə-ˈmer-ə-kən jem trād ə-ˌsō-sē-ˈā-shən
An organization tasked with maintaining ethical standards within the gemstone industry
For roughly 35 years, the American Gem Trade Association has led the gemstone enhancement disclosure and education industry, advancing and licensing the industry’s sternest disclosure measures.In 1984, the American Trade Association and its members developed the industry’s most unyielding and complex Code of Ethics and Fair Business Practices. Since then, the AGTA and its members commit to leading the industry in honesty, standards, and ethical operations. In any event, the AGTA prides itself in investing in those who produce gemstones, assisting those whose lives have been affected by the gem trade, or working with foreign governments to enhance working conditions. The American Gem Trade Association regularly hosts gem trade shows in Las Vegas and Tucson.