bril·liance | ˈbril-yən(t)s
The intensity and amount of light reflecting from inside a diamond or gemstone
A gemstone’s or diamond’s brilliance is an important visual factor that impacts the stone’s look, value, and desirability. A gemstone is measured by its brilliance refractive impact (BRI). Brilliance refers to the amount of light and reflection that comes out of the interior of a stone, or in layman’s terms, how much it shines or sparkles. Brilliance is not a natural aspect of a gemstone or diamond. Instead, a stone’s brilliance is determined by the way it is cut. When it comes to diamonds, a highly brilliant stone increases the amount of light reflected from the diamond, how much the diamond sparkles, and whether or not you see a rainbow effect emitted from the stone when it catches a ray of light. You may also see rainbow effects from other gemstones, particularly those that are lighter in color. Most jewelry wearers prefer stones with high brilliance, which adds to its aesthetic value.