Baguette Cut
ba·guette cut | ba-ˈget kət
A rectangular diamond cut with four corners that create a rectangle or four-sided polygon.
Baguette, stemming from the French word bague, is an extended, quadrate table cut. Their radiant, extended facets make it the perfect choice for a primary stone. Alternatively, consumers like it nested together with another stone for additional shimmer (commonly found in engagement rings). Typically, baguettes are small, with linear or tapered edges that angle inwards. Some baguettes may have a ratio of 5:1, or longer. The price per carat of baguette diamonds are often less expensive than alternative diamond cuts; however, baguettes can still be very expensive because they're challenging to cut from the rough. As with any diamond, baguettes are graded on the 4 C's, therefore, prices may differ (contingent on the grade of the stone).